Book Dynamic Thermal Modelling (DTM) testing for your building works across Sussex, Surrey and Kent. Our professional and reliable team will carry out an assessment to ensure you meet building regulations compliance, including Part O, TM59 and TM52.

  • Experienced and highly skilled assessors
  • Residential and commercial buildings
  • Quick turnaround
  • Book a time convenient to your project

We also offer competitive pricing and can complete your test and comprehensive report quickly, whether you need thermal modelling for a new build site, an extension, conversion, or renovation.

Find out how Falcon Energy can help today and ask for a free no obligation quote.


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Dynamic Thermal Modelling for residential and commercial buildings

The process of Thermal Modelling uses Dynamic Simulation Modelling (DSM) software and includes:

  • 3D modelling of designs and building specifications
  • Running simulations to get informative results
  • A comprehensive report with analysis and expert advice

It serves as a pivotal tool in assessing a building's thermal performance, directly influencing energy consumption, carbon emissions, and overall occupant comfort. By leveraging DTM, you can help ensure that every facet of the design contributes to optimal energy efficiency and thermal comfort. Testing allows for a detailed analysis of how buildings react to various environmental conditions, enabling architects and engineers to refine building design with precision.

DTM also plays a crucial role in overheating risk analysis. By identifying potential overheating issues early in the design phase, you're able to implement preventive measures, such as optimising building orientation, improving insulation, or integrating effective shading solutions. This proactive approach significantly reduces the building's energy demand.

Whilst an assessment is required for some building regulations and Energy Performance Certificates, it is also usually a prerequisite if you're seeking green building certifications, such as LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) or BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method).

New Build Technical Drawing Used for SAP Calculations

Our dynamic thermal modelling process

At Falcon Energy we provide dynamic thermal modelling for both residential and commercial buildings, with clients benefitting from our fully trained and accredited modellers, our many years of energy testing experience, and our ability to improve energy performance and reduce energy costs.

Our process includes:

Client consultation

We speak with you to understand your project and why DTM is required


We will run various simulations and analyse the results

Review of your plans

We analyse your plans and specifications ready for modelling

Detailed report

Each report will provide precise results and guidance for your project

3D modelling

Using state-of-the-art modelling software we produce a 3D building model

After support

We can provide ongoing energy consultancy for your project, as well as many other energy tests

Our team also offers energy consultancy with PSI value calculations, SAPs and EPCs, Part G water calculations and professional Energy Statements.

When to book dynamic thermal modelling assessments

About your energy efficiency requirements

To maximise the benefits of dynamic thermal modelling, it's crucial to schedule assessments at the outset of your building project's design phase. This strategic timing ensures that your buildings not only comply with energy efficiency standards but also achieve optimal thermal comfort for occupants.

Here are three key moments when booking these assessments is most beneficial:

  • At the initial design stage: Before finalising your building's layout and fabric performance, an early assessment can guide adjustments that significantly improve energy systems and overall sustainability.
  • When evaluating systems: Once the basic design is established, use dynamic thermal modelling to analyse solar shading and ventilation design. This step is critical for fine-tuning the details that affect a building's thermal comfort and energy efficiency.
  • Before finalising plans: Before committing to construction, a final assessment ensures your project meets all building regulations and effectively addresses potential overheating risks.

Our professional assessors are on hand to help with your project. Get booked in today.

Contact us to book a test


Why Falcon Energy

Your Sussex based dynamic thermal energy provider

  • Highly skilled assessors
  • Comprehensive approach and reports
  • Industry-leading software
  • Easy booking process

At Falcon Energy, we stand out as a leading provider of dynamic thermal modelling services across Sussex, Surrey and Kent. We offer precise evaluations of a building's thermal performance to ensure energy efficiency and regulatory compliance. We deliver in-depth insights into how buildings react to environmental conditions through advanced dynamic simulation techniques. Our detailed analysis goes beyond simple calculations, incorporating aspects of the building fabric and mechanical ventilation systems to predict energy consumption, carbon emissions, and surface temperatures accurately.

Choosing Falcon Energy means benefiting from a comprehensive approach to optimising the energy systems and layout of your project. Our services are indispensable for anyone looking to enhance building performance, reduce carbon footprint, and ensure the well-being of occupants through scientifically grounded, dynamic simulation methodologies.

Book a dynamic thermal modelling test

We're committed to assisting you in achieving optimal environmental performance for your buildings, utilising advanced simulation tools and technical expertise.

For enquiries regarding dynamic thermal modelling solutions, please contact our team:

Phone: 01403 253439
Contact form: Write us a message

We look forward to hearing from you and playing our part in the success of your building project.

Renewable Energy

Thermal modelling FAQ

About DTM for Part O, TM59 and TM52 compliance

What is Dynamic Simulation Modelling (DSM)?

Dynamic Simulation Modelling (DSM) is a computational approach used to simulate and analyse the time-dependent behaviour of complex systems. It involves modelling the dynamic interactions between various components and their responses to changing conditions over time. DSM is used to study the dynamic behaviour of systems, predict outcomes, and optimise performance. This modelling technique enables a deeper understanding of how variables evolve and interact dynamically, allowing for more informed decision-making in complex systems and processes.

What is Building Regulations Approved Document O (Part O)?

Building Regulations Approved Document O (Part O) in the UK concerns the conservation of fuel and power in existing dwellings. It provides guidelines and requirements for improving the energy efficiency of older residential buildings during alterations, renovations, or extensions. Part O outlines measures to enhance insulation, control heat loss, and optimise energy performance while considering the existing structure. Compliance with Approved Document O aims to contribute to the overall reduction of energy consumption and environmental impact in existing dwellings, aligning with broader sustainability goals and building standards.

How is thermal modelling done?

Thermal modelling involves predicting and analysing a system's heat distribution. The process begins with defining the system's geometry, specifying material properties, and setting boundary conditions like ambient temperature. Heat sources and sinks are identified, and the system is divided into elements for numerical analysis through methods like finite element analysis. Simulation tools are used to predict temperature distribution and post-processing analysis results, identifying potential issues.


Contact us for your next project

Reach out to us during the initial planning phase of your upcoming project, and let us be your proactive team for achieving energy efficiency!

No project is too complex, so contact us today!

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